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Lower Your Energy Bill

Savant Energy Letter of Authorization (LOA)

LOA or Copy of Your Bill

The letter of authorization gives a Savant Energy, energy advisor the ability to pull the historical usage from the past 12 months at no obligation to the customer. Alternatively you can send us a copy of your current bill below. This data is necessary to analyze one's power consumption patterns and to develop an energy strategy that is customized to the needs of their business.

Savant Energy Analysis

Energy Analysis

Once we receive your historical usage information, Savant Energy Services learns all we can about the way your facility uses electricity. We conduct an in-depth review and analysis of your usage pattern to develop an energy strategy that meets your operation's requirements.

Savant Energy Proposal

Energy Proposal

The last step is the proposal. Once an agreement is structured to meet your needs, we then will facilitate a seamless switch from your current energy supplier to your new energy supplier. Our objective is the same as yours - to obtain the most economical supply arrangement available.

Get Started

The quickest and easiest way to get started is to scan the code below and upload a picture of your bill using a smartphone. If already have a copy of your bill on your computer upload it to the form on the right.


Fill Out the Form

Fill out the form below & upload your most recent energy bill. Or, Download LOA, fill it out, and upload it to the form.


Have questions about solar, micro grids, or other energy services? This forms good for that too. Fill it out and someone will get back to you within 24 hours.

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