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Energy Solutions

E = (P x Q – I)

(Total Energy Cost = Price times Quantity minus Incentives)


In conjunction with this essential framework, SAVANT supplies the full range of services customers need to make this equation work for them, tools and approaches that can lower energy prices (P), curb consumption (Q) and/or increase incentive program payments (I). Together these services work in tandem to help our clients proactively manage energy to reduce their overall spend, advance business goals and, ultimately, move beyond fighting their energy battles to winning the war.

Putting this all together for your company in an easy-to-understand way that accurately accounts for the contributions of, and interplay among, various energy cost drivers is the inspiration behind the Seven Levers and the growing, innovative energy management product portfolio we are developing to manage them.

  • Energy Planning – Assess context, review goals, set priorities, plan action.


  • Energy Sourcing – Procure/Curtail what you need at the best available price.


  • Energy Efficiency – Modernize to improve the bottom line.


  • Energy Risk Management – Protect yourself from price volatility.​

  • Energy Sustainability – Favor green options when it makes sense.


  • Energy Incentives – Maximize income opportunities like demand response.


  • Energy Monitoring – Manage data to drive decisions and inform Planning.

Energy Planning

Energy Planning

Efficiently managing your P x Q - I, energy requires a well organized, strategic course of action. To develop the perfect plan for you, Savant Energy Services does something most companies view as unconventional - we listen.

Reducing Energy Related Expenses Requires A Plan


  • We listen. We identify your goals, objectives, and review current energy initiatives.


  • We audit your calculator results, capital budget and investments, determine your appetite for risk, and historical usage data against current market conditions and developments to help you discover energy opportunities within your organization.


  • We work with you to formulate a Targeted Energy Strategy — one tailored specifically to meet your needs and objectives — that aims to accomplish both short and long term goals and rank orders action items to help you best achieve them.


  • We put the plan into action.


  • We create a positive feedback loop through ongoing market monitoring, keeping you perpetually informed, and allowing us to collaborate with you to make educated decisions, yielding optimal results.


Energy Sourcing

Energy Sourcing

Energy brokers forsake billions of dollars annually by procuring energy through antiquated methods, including sourcing solely from suppliers directly, using paper-based RFP's, and recruiting brokers who communicate via phone and e-mail.


Why our energy sourcing precess makes sense:


  • Electronic RFPs, simplified bidding, and high close rates attract suppliers to Savant pricing events. More suppliers in attendance means more suppliers competing for your business, ultimately yielding lower prices.


  • The auction design and dynamic nature of the online events provide you and the suppliers real-time price discovery that exists nowhere else in the market. This helps bidders sharpen their pencils to win your business while allowing you to test various products and terms to find your sweet spot.


  • Costs are further mitigated by faster award times, thus minimizing supplier risk premiums

Sourcing Your Needs at the Lowest Available Prices​​


Savant Energy Services has developed a reputable name in the industry by supplying a more efficient means of procuring energy, one that uses technology as a cornerstone and designed to facilitate competition.


By utilizing a medley of digital tools, including reverse and blind auctions, we are able to produce a vicious and transparent marketplace for our customers to transact. This results in more competition for their business with increased cost savings while allowing for greater accountability and control throughout the entire process.


With over 34,000 successful online events and access to the one of the largest networks of suppliers, Savant Energy Services has revolutionized the normally complex procurement process into a user-friendly, streamlined, efficient vehicle for cost savings and budget certainty.​





Executable (for natural gas only) – An automated transaction occurs based on price thresholds – high and low – determined in conjunction with the customer. With this type of trigger, you can hedge against runaway highs and capitalize on attractive lows in a timely and efficient manner, all within the framework of your established risk management strategy.

Informational – Once a pre-determined market price (high or low) is reached, a trigger automatically alerts you and your team at Savant Energy. An e-mail is sent to all parties, sparking a discussion on whether or not to transact.

Market Update – A time-based trigger that allows you to receive routine market pricing updates relative to your current contract. This assists in monitoring progress against your budget and staying on top of market movements & trends.

Risk Management - Protect Yourself from Price Fluctuations


Prone to sudden and dramatic price swings, energy is an extremely unstable and unpredictable commodity to work with. Further complicated by countless rules, regulations, and price structures, energy management is no easy task in today's marketplace.


In order to effectively combat energy's capricious, fickle nature, Savant Energy Services has integrated Risk Management into the Planning process of every client engagement. We collaborate with you to better understand your risk tolerance and purchasing objectives to develop an energy risk policy (or support your current one) that is tailored specifically to suit your needs – is your priority to buy under your budget, protect yourself against major price changes, or buy as low as possible or better than your competition?


This policy can influence future decisions, limit your profit–at–risk, and help you achieve your purchasing goals. We'll not only apply this policy to source and secure the best energy products for you, but we'll also pro-actively manage your exposure throughout the contract terms.


Our "trigger-based" method allows you to track progress against your budget, and stay ahead of the curve in this fast-moving market. At Savant Energy Services, we use three kinds of automated triggers to help manage risk.



Energy Risk Management

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency = Cost Efficiecny


  • Identify your consumption rates, energy management needs, and efficiency opportunities.


  • Gather facility-specific information.


  • Engineer effective solutions.

  • Present project recommendations.


  • Secure incentives.


  • Execute your energy efficiency projects.


  • Monitor the results and identify new savings opportunities.

Efficiency Targets the "Q" In Your PxQ-I Energy Management Equation


If properly implemented, energy efficiency initiatives & tools can drastically reduce energy consumption at facilities by anywhere from 10% to upwards of 40%. This not only saves money by cutting down energy-related costs and freeing up capital, it can reap operational benefits as well. Energy efficient incentives can dramatically increase productivity, resulting in a quicker (and oftentimes boosted) return on investment.


Savant Energy Services offers a vast array of energy efficiency solutions, ranging from simple tools to help manage your current configuration more efficiently, to major overhauls of existing infrastructure (such as lights, windows, HVAC systems, etc.), by replacing old, inefficient technologies with new efficient ones.


At Savant Energy Services, we have experts on staff with extensive knowledge of energy usage and how best to reduce it; we know the available incentive programs and how to leverage them; we have experience planning and executing energy efficiency projects on time and according to budget; and we will work with you in a highly professional manner to capitalize on these opportunities, providing not only the most energy efficient, but cost-efficient solutions the industry has to offer.



Energy Efficiency

Energy Sustainability

Keeping You Lean and Green: Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of environmental policies and best practices, energy buyers of all sizes are reaping the benefits from Savant Energy Services' expertise, and you can too!

Finding the Balance Between Social & Financial Responsibility


​Sustainability is an important element in today's business landscape, and has been a hot topic in recent years, especially in regards to energy. Environmentally friendly initiatives have been proven to drive greater value to those who implement them.


We understand both the social responsibility and the fiscal imperative of managing resources in a way that makes sense from a financial standpoint. As part of our planning process, we will work alongside you to determine just how “green” you want or need to be.


Whether through retrofitting infrastructure components, or the purchase of renewables, Savant Energy Services will provide you with an action plan and the means of meeting your sustainability goals in a cost-efficient manner with quantifiable outcomes.



Energy Sustainability

Energy Incentives

  • Demand Response — These multi-billion-dollar grid-run programs come in many varieties, including Emergency, Synchronous/Spinning Reserves and Economic, offering payments to customers who can reduce energy use as necessary.


  • Renewable Energy and Efficiency Credits — Federal and State incentive programs reward and fund a full spectrum of clean-energy and energy-efficiency measures, including: sustainable building ventures, high-efficiency lighting and mechanical systems, and the implementation and utilization of solar panels.

Maximize Income Opportunities Like Demand Response


Now that the “smart grid” and eco-friendly sectors are gaining popularity and exerting influence, programs that offer rewards to adopt new energy equipment, methods, and behaviors are becoming more prevalent.


Savant Energy Services can help educate and inform you on incentive programs available to you and effectively integrate them into your project. Some of the most common incentives we recommend are.


Taking advantage of the incentive programs available to you yields increased income and reduces your energy costs simultaneously. With Savant Energy Services, you can make providers compete for your incentive compliance, just as you do for power and natural gas, which will ultimately get you the maximum return.



Energy Incentives

Energy Monitoring

Savant Energy Services's team of experts are not just intimately familiar with the energy market, they're passionate about sharing their vast knowledge and getting you an optimal return.


Our dedicated staff is vigilantly monitoring the energy markets, keeping an eye out for new opportunities, potential hazards and any other factors that could affect your campaign.


Our proven processes and technologies provide you with the right information at the right time, in order to assist you in making informed, educated business decisions.


No Cash Expense Required - Every time you complete an energy transaction with Savant Energy Services, we offer Bill Management via on-bill financing. This simply means that when your energy bills are paid, a small portion covers Bill Management.


Excellent Value - Recent studies have indicated that the average cost to manually process and pay an invoice is $30. With this in mind, Savant Energy's Bill Management can result in instant and noticeable savings.

Monitor Your Energy Data to Guide Business Decisions


  • Billing Dashboard and Advanced Energy Data Reporting - Provides you with a detailed overview of all of your energy information in one concise place. We also offer custom reports on usage, cost, pricing and exposure that serve as a baseline for monitoring ongoing consumption and market participation.


  • Triggers - Automated triggers are applications intended to keep you actively informed of market changes based on predetermined values (high and low) and time horizons. These real-time triggers provide a proactive approach to monitoring market trends and executing transactions. For additional information on the various automated triggers we have to offer, please view the Risk Management section listed above.


  • Bill Validation and Payment - Make your life easier and ensure prompt payment of your utility bills with bill payment service.


  • Error Resolution - Swiftly resolve disputed invoices, rectify invoice discrepancies, and follow through on tariff recommendations.


  • Invoice Reconciliation - Our team is able to analyze tariffs and recalculate your most intricate bills from scratch.




Energy Monitoring

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